We worked together when filming and getting each shot, I would be placing the different cut outs and Bethany would get the focus right and take the pictures and would also tell me if things looked weird in the shot.
We worked together well so it was easy to do and although it took a long time making sure each shot was good as we went along it got easier and easier as we knew what we wanted and worked together.

As each scene changed, we would re-position the camera, re arrange lighting according to the scene and take a few shots to test positioning.

We controlled the lighting all the way through, using fairy lights and candles and placing them in different positions to make sure it was the best lighting and looked okay. When positioning pieces, we would place the new one before removing the previous one so it would be smooth and not jump.

Some examples of before and after lighting

Focus played a big [art when taking the pictures we tried to make sure each shot was focused fuly, but it was especially hard to do when the cut outs were very small and when the scene was dark.
Example - when the meet in the middle of town

As we went along we took more than one photo for each shot to make sure we had the best lighting and focus. Below are a few examples of when we spent a lot more time creating the perfect lighting, we played around with positioning to get the perfect shot.

Random shot while we were filming:

We would set up a scene first making sure all the buildings were in the right places and looked good. The we would move onto lighting and check that the lighting was perfect and creating to the mood we wanted. We placed lights behind windows as it was a street and we wanted to be authentic.

Although the filming took a couple of days and was very tiring to do, i feel overall it went great. We worked together to control each scene and make sure it was perfect and consistent. The only thing that let us down was the fog because the pictures would not capture it the way we wanted to. So in a lot of scenes we chose to leave as it did not add anything and would pointlessly smoke up the room.