To know what we had to build we used the plan from the previous post. We worked from the begging to the end so we didn't get confused with each scene and also so we could see if we could recycle parts.
We started with the beginning, this is the base of the building where she jumps out of the window and the down the next ledge. It was easier to start with the basic shape and then add detail to it.
We started with the beginning, this is the base of the building where she jumps out of the window and the down the next ledge. It was easier to start with the basic shape and then add detail to it.

We built the building so that we could film her in the room and jumping out of the window in in one part and we we would have to do is move the camera to the other side of the window to get the next shot.
To create her room, we used a piece of cardboard and glued wallpaper onto it. We then scored it so we could fold it fold where we needed to fold it, We then painted coffee onto it so it looked old and grungy.

We then cut a hole of about 10cm high, using the scene cut outs as a reference.
Next we stuck both parts together and started to add details, like chimneys and a roof light.

After the window was added, Bethany sticthed some lace to a piece of wire that sits above the window, to use as curtains. We also used a little dolls house lamp that was purchased, with a piece of string attached and a fairy light, to make the room look more realistic.

The next part we did was when she jumps down the building she opens a gate so we built a gate out of wire.
When making the gate, we initially tried to solder the pieces together, but unfortunately, the wire wasn’t the right type so it didn’t work. Instead, we used thinner wire to keep it together and a picture frame hook was then used to attach it to the gate post.

For the clothes line, we cut thin wire and little clothes out, then folded them over onto the wire and attached them to look like they were hanging.

This is the finished build:

Next we started to construct the first street they run down, We did this the same as the beginning but instead we each worked on a side of the street. Once the base was done we added details like: balconies, windows, doors and curtains.
We added flaps/stands to all the bases so that they will be self supporting.

After building the street we wanted to test if the lighting in the windows would work. Since we wanted to set a dark mood, we thought that we could use lights in the windows as the main source of light, and have controlled dim lighting in the room for any other lights we may need.
Testing whether the lights would be bright enough with the main lights off or if we would need extra backing lights. Also to test if its atmospheric enough.

Lighting Test Video - It was done on my phone so it is not the best quality, but shows the fairy lights we used.
We Still have more buildings to build and will be doing this in the next couple of weeks.
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