- Space
- Diegetic and Non-diegetic
- Sound has a spatial dimension (i.e. it springs from a source)
- What we believe of the sound can be changed from what we see
- Sound which has a source in the film story
- Spoken words - objects sound - music from instruments in the film
- (Note that sounds that appear diegetic can be manipulated non-realistically)
- Coming from a source outside the story world
- Music to enhance action - the convention of movie music
- Narrator: the disembodied voice
- Some sound effects can create audio visual humour
- Fidelity - a sound that is faithful to the source
Version 1 - Restored
Version 2 - Orson Welles Intended
The restored version has more non-diegetic sound as it had music added to help with the atmosphere and ambiance that take over the sounds that should be on the screen, on the other hand Orson Welles version had more diegetic sound as you got a sense of where the sounds were coming from as they walked.
'Delicatessen' (1991) - trailer
The scene that we looked at shows how a relationship between the characters built from the use of diegetic sound. It showed the audience how all the characters are in the building and the sound has brought them together in a humorous way.
'Tron' (1982) - trailer
Although Tron is a synthetic film as it was made artificially and all by computer, it still uses diegetic and non-diegetic sound. It has a off screen voice that kind of worked as a type of narrator which is non-diegetic. The diegetic sound comes from the computers, although it is fantasy and we don't actually know what they would sound like, we connect it the sound to the computers.
'Metropolis' (1927) - trailer
Metropolis is a silent film and so it is an example of non-diegetic sound as the sound would of been put on after they had filmed it.
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