Sunday, 19 April 2015

Week 9 - The 5 Theories of Montage, outlined by Gergei Eisenstein

5 Theories:

Metric – When you cut based on the specific length of the shot/ frames. It focuses on bars and beats like music, and it is often used in music videos.

Rhythmic – When you cut based on t6he content of the shot. The movement within a shot dictates the rhythm and tempo of the editing. For instance in a car chase, the movement in the shot is fast based and so will the editing.

Tonal – When you cut based on the aesthetics of the shot (e.g mood and lighting), this is to elicit a reaction from the audience. For example, a sleeping baby would emote calmness and relaxation.

Overtonal/Associational –This is a combination of all three above, to give the most impact to the audience.

Intellectual – It is when one image is juxtaposition with another image, which then creates a whole new meaning. It uses few images to create this but uses strong images that will evoke emotion or a reaction from the audience. 

The History of Cutting

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