When we had finished filming we had to go through and sort the photos making sure all the bad ones (out of focus, lighting bad, double) had been removed to a different folder.
When filming and going through the shots we came across cut outs that looked like weird objects and not normal humans. Below are a few examples of this:
Ninja poses

Weird limbs

After we decided what pictures we would use we put them into tvpaint as a sequences. We then went through scene by scene making sure the timings were okay, deleting and adding a frames and just making sure it ran smoothly and everything was in the right order.
For the lamppost scenes we filmed them instead of taking the pictures as we couldn't capture the flickering properly as pictures. We then exported them as j peg's and put them in with the rest of the sequence.
Below is our first edit:
Once we had edited it and we were happy we started to look for sound. We already knew the sort of sounds we wanted it was just find them and getting the timings right. Separately we found different sounds we though would work and then we went through and chose what worked best.
When filming and going through the shots we came across cut outs that looked like weird objects and not normal humans. Below are a few examples of this:
Ninja poses

Weird limbs

After we decided what pictures we would use we put them into tvpaint as a sequences. We then went through scene by scene making sure the timings were okay, deleting and adding a frames and just making sure it ran smoothly and everything was in the right order.
For the lamppost scenes we filmed them instead of taking the pictures as we couldn't capture the flickering properly as pictures. We then exported them as j peg's and put them in with the rest of the sequence.
Below is our first edit:
Once we had edited it and we were happy we started to look for sound. We already knew the sort of sounds we wanted it was just find them and getting the timings right. Separately we found different sounds we though would work and then we went through and chose what worked best.
We knew we wanted the sound to be creepy and dramatic and not over power the animation but add to it and make it more intense. We focused on the old horror movie music as that was the style we had chosen for the whole animation.
We wanted realistic folio effects but we didn't want one for everything as we thought that would overpower the animations and it would sound wrong. The main sound effects we wanted was the woman's breathing the man's shoes running and the gate opening. This also meant that the man and the woman had their own sound and as the audience you can differentiate between the two characters. The woman is the victim and so you can hear her breathing and panic and the man is the villain so the sound of his shoes make the atmosphere tense and you know hes comes to kill her.
After the sound was finished, we chose to add a title to keep with the theme of 50’s style horror, going through fonts until we found one that we felt matched.
Title (For this image, we used a shot that we both really liked to add it to):

Final animation:
We wanted realistic folio effects but we didn't want one for everything as we thought that would overpower the animations and it would sound wrong. The main sound effects we wanted was the woman's breathing the man's shoes running and the gate opening. This also meant that the man and the woman had their own sound and as the audience you can differentiate between the two characters. The woman is the victim and so you can hear her breathing and panic and the man is the villain so the sound of his shoes make the atmosphere tense and you know hes comes to kill her.
After the sound was finished, we chose to add a title to keep with the theme of 50’s style horror, going through fonts until we found one that we felt matched.
Title (For this image, we used a shot that we both really liked to add it to):

Final animation:
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