shape of the body at the beginning of the day
I fixed the back of the arm so it matched into the shoulder. I did this by pulling the armpit up slightly at the back.
Working on the shoulder blade - I wanted the model to show a shoulder blade you can see because she is wearing tight clothing and so this would be visible. When I first started it i had done it wrong as I had made the shoulder blade too small and it was too much on the one side, resulting in a massive gap in the middle. I fixed this by making the shoulder more proportionate and not making it stick out so much so it was a gradual slope.
bad back arch - This image is when the shoulder blades were too far apart and so the middle of the arch looked weird. This was also due to the butt not stopping and continuing up the back, which I then fixed.
Still too much of an arch of the back
Making sure everything is proportionate
Adding clothes - For the clothes I inserted more edge loops were the ends of the clothes would be. I then extruded them slightly and made sure they looked like edging of clothing, I made sure I put the edges of clothing were it wouldn't interfere with other edges. For instance of the arm I put i before the elbow so this wouldn't be affected. She is supposed to be wearing a leotard and tights so I kept the shape of the body and the muscle shapes as you would be able to see them.
^Found off google images
Below are images of the final body, I am very happy with the result and don't want to have to change too much more. I feel she is proportionate to the character I drew and I am pleased with the detail I have.
I then started on the face. I am not good at faces anyway and this was hard for me to start. At the moment this is all I have and I have a long way to go before it will be proportionate and look good.
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