From the last time Jamie saw the animation, I had felt like most of the animation was done and all that was left was to finish it to a high quality. This included adding: the colour, the final outline, the ETC logo at the end, and a camera pan on the Wifi character walk.
I also changed the timings of the Earth walk and splash at the beginning to make it flow better. I was going to add a camera movement to the splash as it does move across the screen, but because it is only a few frames a camera would of been too quick and look weird. Instead I took out a couple of the frames and re positioned them better and I hope it looks smoother and less like a sudden jump.
I found the score from
and the other sound effects were from
I feel the sound works well with the piece and adds to the carton feel of it. I also think the sound effects make certain parts stand out like the splash and when the logos are popping up, drawing the audience to looks at these parts more. I managed to time the popping up of the logos to match with when they are being said, they are not directly when they are said but they come up a little after. I think this looks a lot better than the way it used to be and now the audience can see it while the voice over is saying it.
Overall I feel that I have kept to the brief, that I have created an animation to high standard and I have conducted myself professional when talking with the client. I tried to keep to the original style, although I realised that the Earth character is more oval shaped than I originally drew him, but the colours and styles of bot the character are still the same. I did have a bit of trouble with the Wifi character walk, as the legs cannot cross over and so it looks like he has a little limp, which I feel gives him a cute personality.
This module has really helped me to gain knowledge of this part of the industry and I have learnt a lot about how it works and how to communicate with a client.
The Progress of my work is on older posts.
Professional Animation Project - Final Submission
Professional Project Submission from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
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