Monday, 23 January 2017

Animation Production - Week 1 - Introduction

This module is a carry on from last semester as we will be carrying on developing our own work.

As I am making a final film I know will start the process of creating the film and expanding from the animatic. I hope in the next couple of weeks to have a better understanding of what the animation will look like and will have started to key frame. 

This module is split 85 % for the production work and 15% for a evaluative report.

I am pretty happy with where I got to last semester and now it is just for me to get on with finishing the film. 

Over the two weeks (marking period)

For the first week I started to make a production schedule to help organise myself and see how to split everything up.

I split up the animatic into scenes and smaller chunks, as I find it easier to deal with smaller parts. I then colour coded the different things I would need to do. 
green: key framing
orange: in-betweening
purple: clean up
blue: colouring

I then had a couple of weeks for finishing touches and making sure everything is finished.

It looks pretty scary with everything I need to do, but I have tried to make everything manageable as possible.

I was then called onto another project and so had to catch up and did not manage to get as much done as I would of liked. Now that I am caught up though I will be key framing for the first two weeks. 

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