From the feedback last time they wanted me to push my style and make it more like the inspiration pictures I had.
I wanted to mess around with different ways of doing it and below is what I cam up with, I don't like the more blocky coloured ones as I feel they make her too solid and I want her to be portrayed as someone who is translucent and sketchy almost not there because of her depression and I feel the last one that is more sketchy is what I am more going for.
Taking the last style I like I went on to play around with the colour and lines. When I am animating I want the lines to be constantly moving.
Style with the black more dominant -
Style with the white more dominant -
Final Style
Below is the a combination of the the white and black and I have asked a few people they also prefer this one. I like that she has an outline but is sketchy and transparent and so doesn't have a full form. Which is because of her depression.
Blinking/ Memories section
This week I have been trying to keyframe the rest of the film and so looked at videos of how the film industry did blinks and the different ways to do it.
The first video is an okay way to do it but i feel the eye doesn't open enough and the last video is better as it has the haziness of opening your eyes and not really being able to see in detail what is there. Which is more to what I want in my film. Ignoring what the last video is about.
I have been struggling with this section a lot as I have had different feedback on it and I don't feel it flows as well as the beginning of the film.
After speaking with Emily she suggested just getting on and starting to animate. I have been having troubles with the ending of my film and not liking it and feel if I can get the beginning sorted, the ending will come and I will be able to change it.
Feet Section -
I started with the feet section as I knew I could get this done this week and I could go from there. I have outlined it black as it was quite messy with the sketchy version and was hard to see. I really like the feet tilts that were suggestion from last times feedback and think they make her more human.
Emily suggested adding a shadow to the feet as the angle is slightly awkward at times. I haven't managed to do this, this week but I will for next week.
scene 1 - 5 - black outline from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
Title -
I have also started to think about the title of my film and have a few suggestions which I will bring to the class on Monday and see what people think about them as well as talking to my mum about it.
The Suggestions are:
- Woman
- Water
- Creature
- Falling
- Floating
- Memories
- Bubbles
- Drowning
- Submerged
- Engulfed
- Immersed
- Descent
- Fading
- Isolated
- Sinking
At the moment my favourite is 'Sinking' but I will get opinions first and definitely speak to my mum about it.
After talking with my mum we have both decided on the title 'Sinking'. My mum felt that it best summed up how she feels and it stood out for me from the very beginning. I am happy I finally have a name.
Swapping Films -
By the end of the week both Bethany and I were getting stuck with our films and were struggling to see past what we had already done. So we decided to swap films.
I helped time and fix up drawing of her film and she helped with an ending and different shots on my film. This really helped to see our films differently as we needed fresh eyes and it really worked to re-motivate ourselves.
optional ending from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
Above is an ending that Bethany thought of and fits with some of the ideas I was having about the ending during the week. It feels better than the volcano scene I had originally done for this section and I feel happier already that it flows better.
Film So Far -
After Bethany's help I started to put it all together to see how it looked and added the music and voice over.
It is a bit longer than the original animatic but because I have silent parts in the voice over it is okay as I can still adjust them and have the speaking in the right places.
I am a lot happier with the dirstion it is going in now as a felt the volcano scene in the animatic seemed random, out of place and some what childish, which is not how I wanted my film to look like.
Although Emily says about animating parts and then fitting them together and not to worry about the structure of it too much, I realise I personally don't really work like that. In some cases it is okay but I felt more panicked by not knowing what I wanted as the ending and I'm glad I have one now.
Key framing - all - with music from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
I still have a lot more to do, but I hope to just keep carrying on and next week I hope to have quite a bit of animating done.
Feedback -
'Sinking' as the title is liked by class and Emily and Sam.
Sam suggested watching a Sarah Cox '3 ways to go' to look at how she does a person in water as I need to look at gravity underwater and how weight and being floaty is underwater.
Maybe instead of her hitting the floor to have her be in a state in between floating. Or when she hits the floor to have sand and dust come up and that will help with the transition to the next shot. I was going to add the sand and dust effects closer to the end so I will keep this in mind.
With the memories section I have still to work on that and make it how I want it to be. I want it more a s tripy state of confusion and some what horror as she is reliving her past trauma. With the army boots Emily suggested putting blocks on the feet with laces to look like it is waying her down and maybe have her dragging her feet.
I am a lot happier as to how the film is progressing and can see it coming along now. I will continue to work on the memories section and then hopefully have more animated for next week.
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