Monday, 1 May 2017

Animation Production - Week 13 - Final Film Progress

This week I finished off my evaluation so it is ready to be submitted next week.

Emily's Feedback -

Emily went through scene by scene and told me exactly everything I need to fix. One of the overall fixes was that I needed to make sure I kept to my own character design, which is something I have also ways found difficult to do and really need to work on. There was a big list of everything I need to change, some were small and some I needed to reanimated a lot, something that I didn't think I needed to do but i'm glad I am doing as I don't want a film I am not proud of.

I also took the animation advice from Emily last week and started to put in into my animation. Below I have made the pull down faster to make it more dramatic and i feel it makes it flow better, I also added a better bounce when she is smacked on the floor. I made it so her arm doesn't go through the floor and I feel It looks a lot better already from last week and they were not major changes.

34 - changing the slam from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
34 - changing the tentacle reaching from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I also went onto change the memory section again. I have had so much trouble with this section, but after an idea Emily gave me last week I feel it has finally got there. It is much better from the beginning and even though i wanted to give up on this section sometimes, I'm glad the changes each week has finally paid off and I am very happy with it.

I think the fact she is desperate comes across.

I showed it to my mum and she seemed happy with it and the feedback Sam suggested below.
34 - changing the memories from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Sam saw the new memory section and felt it looked a lot better than before, but she felt it would be more realistic if the grave of Dido (Ukrainian for grandad) had dates on it and was a similar shape to the rest of the grave stones. I think this is a good idea as it make it easier for the audience to understand and connect with that section, even if they don't know what Dido means.

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