Friday, 23 October 2015

Character Development - Week 2

 In the lesson we presented our top 3 favourite characters, which i have written about in a seperate post. After discussing them Emily helped us see if there were any links between the characters that we had chosen or if there were specific things about them that we liked.  I fou8nd i liked characters which: were self made, confident, intelligent (which they use for good), have deep emotional back stories or personal problems, went against gender stereotypes and were mischievous. 

We then went on to discuss about our characters we are creating and that it's not all about the look that they have but on the personality and how they can draw the audience in with who they are not what they look like.

Being able to write a good character sketch will help with this. A character sketch gives a snap shot about who the character is on the inside. It helps to give the reader a mental image of the character and gives little details about them like: how they talk/walk, how they do thing, and their morals/ values (if they have any). They should not tell the persons entire history.


The Script lab -
This link has the top 10 character introductions from film characters. This was useful to look at as it helped to understand how character sketchers were written for characters i had watched.

This example is from Good Reads -

“Say cheese!” the exasperated photographer shouted, as she pointed her camera toward the group of squirming children. Margot displayed her broadest, most convincing fake smile as she inched ever-closer to her younger cousin. Just as the photographer’s finger twitched over the shutter button, Margot leaned into her young cousin’s side and pinched hard. The boy let out a yelp, just as the camera clicked.”
From the above we can see that Margot is a mean girl who is very mischievous.  

 Another helpful link was The Empire Online - This link has the 50 best animated movie characters and why people like them.

Homework -
After researching the links above, i will write my own character sketch, which will help me to understand more about the essence of my character rather than just focus on what she looks like.

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