Thursday, 15 October 2015

Innovative - Week 1 - Animation 1

Our initial idea that we came up with in class was:

  1. Start off with a box
  2. the box gets bigger
  3. starts to peel
  4. which turns into a petal
  5. petals fly's off and turns into a balloon then a hot air balloon
  6. the hot air balloon pops
  7. basket drops
  8. zooms into a person screaming ion the basket
  9. zooms into mouth
  10. to the uvula
  11. it turns into a drop of water 
  12. and it splashes into the puddle
  13. something comes out of the puddle 
  14. it evolves
  15. it turn back into a box
  16. which gets smaller and smaller

These are some of the sketches we did in class for our initial idea. These show the flow of the animation and how each bit was going to lead onto the next bit. We drew it this way as it was the easiest way to show what we wanted quickly.

We decided to be more like Blu in the way that he used the environment he was in and used different surfaces so we would do the same. Using the chalkboard, cintiq and paper, which are all found in the animation room to do so. We also wanted to use some bits of 3D so we decided to use an actual balloon and actual boxes in the beginning because in some of Blu's animation it looked liked he used 3D objects like a plastic bag that he found in the street. Although they weren't found in the room, we had them at home so we used stuff we had, we didn't go out and buy it for the animation.

The day of creating the animation - 

When it came to the day of creating it we couldn't get the boxes so instead we changed the beginning to a build up of Cd's, which were in the room. We also finished it with the splash because when we looked at it we found it was 23 seconds long, which was over the amount.

  These are some pictures of us creating the animation.

Although we didn't use paint in the way Blu does we used other medias that gave the same effect of seeing a faint line of the image before. We used pastels which we smudged to give this effect although at some points it is hard to see the main image which is something i would change next time. We also used watercolour pencils which we used water to blend them out the same way. I think these were very effective in creating something that was very similar to Blu's style of work.

First draft link
The link above is for our first draft. We hadn't put any sound to it and the pace of it was very slow. It ended up being 23 seconds long so to try and get it down to under 10 seconds we took frames out we didn't need like; when the red petal is on we zoomed in and out so we ended up taking out frames which just showed the same thing, when the balloon appears there was also some frame which were not need which we took out. After that we sped up parts which needed to be faster like the the water droplet and the splash, which were way to slow and didn't look right.

After we thought it looked right and everything was the right speed we added sounds. We didn't want music because Blu didn't really use it in his animations, instead he used sound affects at different parts. I think the sound we added worked well and was effective for each part.

Complete work

Above is the link to our complete animation. Overall i think we worked well as a group and our ideas worked well together and we split all the work fairly. The animation itself is good as i feel we have taken things Blu would do and used them effectively in out own animation. I think the only thing that could slightly be changed is some of the colours and medias we used make it hard to see at times where some of the initial lines are.

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