Below is the link to where I got the brown paper background off the internet.
I liked the feet part at the beginning and I liked how it was sketchy in my last storyboard, so I decided to keep it in this one. After talking to Sam last time she also mentioned that I could included the title screen after the feet before she lands in the water and I really like that idea, so although I have no title at the moment it will be after the feet.
I have been trying to catch up on work this week because of the Animation festival last week and so I did not manage to finish all the storyboards, but they will be finished and in an Animatic for next week.
From Manchester Animation I was inspired by different animations, one that caught my eye was about sex slavery and I thought it was a very powerful piece. Although the topic of the animation is horrible I liked the style and the chain that grabs her. I liked how hard hitting it was and I sort of want this for my piece.
Waiting For You To Notice from Shared Hope on Vimeo.
After watching this animation I started to think about what could happen in my animation. I took my ideas and spoke to my mum. This helped as we both were trying not to be literal and it was easier to bounce ideas off each other.
We decided that after the feet, the title would appear. The she would jump into the bubble which would start to float her to the top. The bubble would then start to shrink and trap her until it pops, where she would be left floating in the water. A tentacle would then reach out and grab her pulling her down to the bottom. It would then be from her point of view and she would start to see memories she didn't like (grave, wheelchair and army boots). These are memories and experiences my mum has been through. She would start to fight with the darkness.
We hadn't figured out the ending yet and I wanted to do the storyboards so I could test out the length and timing.
This is the beginning of the Animatic, I wanted to test out the timing, I feel I still need to play around with it and carry on with the storyboards so I can get a better picture of the timing.
Also this week I started to test what kind of brush style I wanted to use on the, I wanted the animation to be messy and smudgy and not neat but when I tried out the chalk one I felt it was too messy and didn't look right. I preferred the clean lines but with a sketchy feel.
For next week I want to work on some character sheets to properly say what she will look like.
Richard Phelan and Avgousta Zourelidi Feedback
This week we had a talk from Richard Phelan (Head of Story at Aardman Animations) and Avgousta Zourelidi (Currently a Director for Rovio Entertainment Ltd.). It was very cool to see both of their work and the different jobs they do and how they got there.
After the talk the third years that had attended showed them our ides for our final year work. I showed the storyboards above and explained what my final film would be about. Some of their feedback was that they really liked the style and the simplicity of the lines, of how I only want what is important to be shown. They also agreed that I needed to be less literal with my animation and that the direction I was going was good.
They said to carry on with what I am doing and it was great to get their thoughts.
Feedback from Sam -
Unfortunately I could not attend the lesson because of a family funeral, but I got Bethany to show some of my work.
Sam had not seen the stuff from the previous week because of the Manchester Animation Festival. The feedback I got was that the idea of doing it more graphic like and on the brown paper was great and she liked the fact it was less literal.
She also liked the way the character had more fluidity and only would have hands and feet when they are needed. Overall she is very happy with the direction I am going. But I need a one on one tutorial for my essay.
I have got feedback for my first draft of essay I handed in last week and will implement this in my work for the next draft hand in which is the 2nd December.
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