15 just the happy part from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
This week in class we discussed adapting children's books into animations and ideas generating. In recent years there has been a big trend of children's book adaptations and small books becoming 30 minute films for children. This enables them to sell more and more merchandise because of the popularity of them for children.
An example is the film 'The Snowman (1982) directed by Dianne Jackson and Jimmy T. Murakami. This was very successful and still is as it is shown every year at Christmas. There are times though where films over franchise and it doesn't turn out so well. This happened for the film 'The Snowman and the Snowdog' (2012) directed by Hilary Audus. It was not a great success.
We next went on to look at the film 'Lost and Found' Written by Oliver Jeffers. His booke was adapted as a film by Studio AKA. Unlike many other children films there was not any merchandise for the film, even though it was a success. Studio AKA made sure that the film kept to the same style as the book and even had Oliver Jeffers involved in every step to make sure this happened.
Below is what the book looks like:
Below is what the film looked like:

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