Wednesday, 24 February 2016

3D Production - Week 4 - Recap Walk Cycles and Lip Syncs

Feedback for Letterbox - The feedback I got was to make sure I did add the expression on the face. That I should exaggerate the part where I throw my hand in the air in anger and look up, but I had improved a bit on my timing. I will carry on trying to improve my timing.

We also presented what we are planning to do this semester (what reactions we are doing and what character we are modelling).

We started by recapping walk cycles and Lip syncs from the 1st year
Lip-syncing: is not all about mouth shapes, if the performance of the character is not good then they won’t convey what they are saying. To help with this it is useful to work from the torso out to the arms then fingers and leave the mouth until last.

This is a good link to watch to help with lip syncing
Key things to remember when lip syncing to look not just at the mouth but at what everything else is doing. For instance, your head bobs when you talk and you don’t just look at the mouth most of the time is focused looking at the eyes so they have to be doing something interesting as well

Breaking the word down into phonetics will help to see what the mouth is doing.
For example ‘BECAUSE’ = ‘BEECOS’ = ‘B OS’

Walk cycle:  It is important to observe/understand what happens to the body parts as we walk
Principles that apply to walk cycles:

· The torso is the core of a walk cycle, goes up and down when the character is walking, it goes down when the legs are at their widest (contact) and at its highest when the legs are at the crossover point.

· The arm and legs are generally opposite,  though this can alter depending on the type of walk

· Arcs are important in human movement, for example the arm swings in a clear arc shape – the same happens all over the body; knees, legs feet, head turns etc.

Changing the passing position in Maya

Class task

For the rest of the task we used MAX and created a walk cycle. I wanted to try and make sure the head moved and the movements were correctly done.

Side View 

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