Saturday, 20 February 2016

Critical and Contextual Issues - Essay Introduction Draft

In this essay I want to look and discuss how women were treated and how their roles and jobs have changed over the years. Looking at why this change has happened.

How have women’s roles in the animation industry changed over the years?

This essay will discuss the animation industry and how women’s roles have changed over the years in the industry. I want to explore how the change in times and how society’s view of women back then has affected what roles and jobs women were given in the industry. This will look at comparing how their roles have evolved then and now, such as the contrast between back then, where they could only paint and outline cells, to now where it could be argued that they are seen as equals. It will also include whether or not the social norms of the time and idealisms had an impact on the roles women could have. I will discuss the differences in times and if it has changed significantly or only slightly and why this is. 

I tried to say everything I want to write about in the essay without going into too much detail about it. Going further I want to carry on collecting research and narrowing what I want to talk about down making sure I have enough research to back it all up with.

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