'The Music Lesson' by Johannes Vermeer

'Gunerica' by Pablo Picasso
Compare the the story or narrative of the paintings?
Vermeer's painting depicts Dutch Culture around the 17th Century. This is shown by the lady in the picture playing a Virginal (which is a musical instrument similar to a keyboard). It is said to have a delicate sound which is why women used to play them as they were also seen as delicate. You can see from the painting the young lady is from a wealthy upper class family which is accurate of the time and shows how Vermeer is depicting idealism's in his painting. The use of other instruments solidifies the idea of it being a music lesson and the audience can imagine what is happening, although the man in the picture can not be completely identified as the music teacher, his poses shows he authority over the lady and his mouth is open, and so could be singing.
On the other hand Picasso's painting is based on the tragedies of war and how the war affected civilians especially those in Spain. It is said to be symbol of anti war and encourages peace between people and countries. The fact it is eleven feet tall and twelve feet wide also adds to the emotional power of the painting and the audience is captivated and pulled into the negatives of war that this depicts.
What visual devices are used in the paintings to communicate their meaning? Give examples.
In Vermeer's painting the devices used are very literal in a way. For instance to the use of bright colours could show how happy and calm the environment is and or the music. The setting of it being in a big open room shows her wealth along with the musical instruments she uses. The foreground objects also help to give perspective to the painting as if you were someone in the room listening to her play.
Whereas in Picasso's painting there is no perspective and the painting feels more flat and chaotic as he is trying to get his point across without being sensitive about it. The use of black and white colouring emotes the depressing nature of the painting and reminds the viewer just how dark war is. The images are more subtle at suggesting what the meaning is. For instance the use of the Bull which along with the lamp could be seen as hope and how Spain will thrive again.
How has light or composition been used to set the scene
The composition of the two paintings are very different. Vermeer uses the foreground objects to guide the audiences eyes to the young lady who is the key focus and also how the man in the painting is also looking at her and again directs the audience towards her. Light is used similar to composition as it directs the views eyes towards the main focus of the music and the lady.
For Picasso the composition is very different although it looks like it has different layers showing the fallen soldiers and innocent civilians it also looks flat. The use of the black and white colours shows the audience the harsh reality of war and how devastating it is.
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