In Today's lesson we started off by looking at other student work from different schools and seeing how they managed to create a 3D film. One of the ways to help on time is using the same rig. These are the examples we watched.
Cooler Self - Ozan Basaldi -
This Side up - Liron Topaz -
Squeak in the Night -
Overtime - A tribute to Jim Henson -
Workin' Progress -
Secondary Action to Create Subtext
Using a secondary action in an animation can completely change the overall tone of the animation. I can show a different meaning of what is happening in the scene.
A secondary reaction gives more realism to the animation and can show a characters personality.
We next went to look at working with props and parenting in Maya so props can be used.
Throwing a ball tutorial:
Class Task
Using the above video tutorials we went on to animate our own ball throw. this is mine. I feel I got the hang of throwing the ball, I just needed to fix up the elbow when it moves suddenly. This was useful as I got to test it out and the parenting of objects will be useful for our own reactions.
Useful Tutorials and Videos:
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