Friday, 4 March 2016

Creative Compositing - Proposal and Tests

Test this week

After we had learnt how to use the green screen I thought about whether or not I could use it for my project. I hadn't quite figured out how I would do the camera sequence and so I though I could test it out using the green screen.

This is the green screen footage I shot. I will use a section of this for my test.

Test using the green screen footage and adding it too the test I did last week:

I know for next time that I need to take the footage from a different angle so you can see the camera screen better and also to make sure there is light shining on the camera so you can see it better. Next time I will make sure I do this.
I also have noticed when you look through the camera the size of the image changes on the screen and in my test I have not done this and so I need to look at how to create this.

My Proposal:

My project will start off with someone looking like they are about to take a picture of a church. As they pan up the church the camera will cut to the screen on the camera where gargoyles will start to appear and move. In shock the camera will then drop to reveal that they are not present unless you are looking through the camera.


For my project I will be creating a 15-30 second film about looking through a camera and then seeing creatures move. I got inspiration for my piece from Guilherme Marcondes's animations as they use live action with animation over the top.

I also took inspiration from Elton John - Wonderful Crazy Night Album Advert

I like how through the advert you were looking through a pair of glass and then could see the animation appear and I wanted to do something similar in my project. 


Background - My background will be stormy clouds, that will move. I will creating this by filming clouds (approximately 5 mins) and then speeding them up slightly to create the effect. I will also have to change the colour of them to black and white to get the stormy, miserable, dark affect.

Still Image - This will be the picture of St Peter's Church in Wolverhampton city center. I will be taking these pictures myself and the changing the colour of it to match the style. I have already taken some stills of the church which i have put on earlier posts. I did this to test angles of the church.

Live Action - My live action will be me holding a camera and moving it up towards the top of the church. I will do this on green screen. I have tested this on a different post. 

Animation - My last layer will be my animation layer which will be when it looks at the camera screen and then gargoyles will start to appear and move. I will be using TVpaint for this and then compiling it in After effects. I want to animation to look like animation on purpose and not to blend in with the rest of the composition as i feel it will stand out better and as they aren't real I felt doing it like this would be better.

There are Sketches of the types of gargoyles I would like to use in the animation on another blog post.

This is quick storyboard I did to help me see what would happen. The camera will look up, the gargoyles will appear and then the camera will come down to reveal no gargoyles.

Next Step:

What I need to look at next is lighting and where the light will be coming from and then this will give my piece more depth because at the moment it is very flat.
I also need to start to animated the gargoyle/ gargoyles and decide what they will do.

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