Thursday, 17 March 2016

3D Production - Week 7 - Phone Call Re-filmed and Walk Cycle Reference

Re-filmed Phone Call 

After getting feedback from Emily about my other phone call reaction, I decided to change it. She thought the old one needed a secondary reaction so I wasn't just doing the same thing over again. Filming the new reference videos I kept this in mind and decided to add a secondary reaction like a finger tap or looking at my fingers bored. Pulling the phone away from my head and looking at it like I had, had enough. I felt these references were much better and more realistic of what a person who is bored and waiting for someone to stop talking and come off the phone would react like.

Compilation of the reference videos I filmed:

The reference video I am using:

I am not using the full 18 seconds of it it goes o for too long i am just going to be using the 8-9 seconds of it as I feel that showed the emotion best.

What I have animated so far:

I like the timing of the eye blinks and when it moves is good. After feedback from Emily I think I should take out the part where he is supposed to swivel in the chair until I have finished the rest of it as it is very distracting. I also need to fix the elbow a bit better as it jumps a little still. The next parts I need to add are the eyebrows and the mouth so i can really get across the emotion. For my workflow I work on the body and the eyes first and then I add the other face features. I find it easiest to do it this way.

Walk Cycle Reference

The walk I was going for was someone who was determined to get somewhere. I tried different ways, by swinging my arms, leaning forward and and walking slightly faster. Theses references were taken when me and Bethany were using the Motion Capture room, hence the outfit. I will only be using these if I need anymore animations to make up my final 30 seconds.

ref 1

ref 2

ref 3

There are more references but we captured them in the motion capture suites and are still yet to learn how to get the footage.

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