Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Professional Project - Week 3 - Five Year Plan and Project Progress

Five Year Plan

1.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

When I first came to Uni my ultimate goal was to work for Disney and move to America. But for the past year and a half that has changed and I now have no clue what I want to do. I thought I just wanted to be a 2D animator and work for a big studio, but after doing innovative and seeing how many different jobs there are in the industry, I am completely stuck to what I want to do.


  • Good at working with others and by myself
  • I am a hard worker and take on feedback given to me 

  • Need to organise my time better (which I am getting better at)
  • My drawing skills need improving on.
  • My story ideas need improving
  • I need to improve on getting my ideas across and communicating them to people
3.Does your showreel reflect your ambition?

I currently do not have a showreel but I will start to think about it and in the near future have one. 

4. 5 steps you need to take reach my goal.

Because I do not have a specific goal, I wrote 5 steps I need to do to better myself for the industry in general.

  1. Work on my drawing skills, to improve gesture drawing and my technique in general 
  2. I need to work on my overall animating skills, improving on timing and once my drawing skill is up, this will also help
  3. Research into the Industry more and see what jobs stand out for me
  4. I need to keep improving on my time management 
  5. Overall figure out what I want to do 

Professional Project Progress

From the Feedback Jamie gave me he said he wanted to to have a revised visual script.

Old one:

Black – Script (voice over)
Red – What will happen in the animation

When an emergency

A cartoon Earth starts to walk across the screen (white background)

Like an Earthquake, Tsunami strikes a place where there is no reliable internet connection,

The cartoon Earth will trip and hit the floor (earthquake). When he hits the floor some of the water of the Earth will spill out onto the floor (tsunami).

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster steps in,

Some other character that will represent the telecommunications cluster will step onto the screen, walking towards the Earth.

They help to provide Internet to humanitarians, non-governmental organisations, United Nations agencies and more recently hospitals that have been set up to fight Ebola.

The second character helps the Earth to it’s feet and pats it on the shoulder.

New one:

When an emergency

A cartoon Earth starts to walk across the screen (white background)

Like an Earthquake, Tsunami strikes a place where there is no reliable internet connection,

The cartoon Earth will trip over an internet wire, disconnecting the wire from the router. He will hit the floor (earthquake). When he hits the floor some of the water of the Earth will spill out onto the floor (tsunami).

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster steps in,

Two other characters that will represent the emergency telecommunications cluster will step onto the screen, walking towards the Earth.

They help to provide Internet to humanitarians, non-governmental organisations, United Nations agencies and more recently hospitals that have been set up to fight Ebola.

The one character helps the Earth to it’s feet and pats it on the shoulder. The other character will re connect the internet router and put a label on the box. 

Alternative one:

When an emergency

A cartoon Earth starts to walk across the screen (white background)

Like an Earthquake, Tsunami strikes a place where there is no reliable internet connection,

The cartoon Earth will trip over an internet wire, disconnecting the wire from the router. He will hit the floor (earthquake). When he hits the floor some of the water of the Earth will spill out onto the floor (tsunami).

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster steps in,

Some other character that will represent the emergency telecommunications cluster (wifi signal) will step onto the screen, walking towards the Earth. The character will just be an outline and will have a little ETC somewhere on him. 

They help to provide Internet to humanitarians, non-governmental organisations, United Nations agencies and more recently hospitals that have been set up to fight Ebola.

The wifi character helps the Earth to it’s feet and pats it on the shoulder, he then goes over to the router to plug it back in and the wifi will light up, showing it is connected.

It is completely Jamie's choice to which one he likes best but I didn't quite like the idea of having 3 characters and one of them sticking a sticker to the router. But I didn't want just to say no to Jamie as he is the client and it is up to him what he wants, I just wanted to suggest a different option that could be used instead. 

Character Work ups - 
Another thing Jamie wanted complete for this week was the characters. 

EARTH - He liked the initial Earth character ideas, but didn't like the fact that they had mouths, that the eyes could give the same amount of emotion and since drawing the character I also feel they look better without mouths. 

Style inspiration from:

American Express Advert - Helping your world run smoothly.

I liked the colours used in the world 

I also looked at Folio Illustrations to get ideas from different peoples styles. Below is some of the people I have found and liked because of their simplicity.

Kiki L Jung


I liked the basic colours and that it used no outline, but when recreated on the Earth character I don't think it looks great because there is no outline.

Andreas Schickert - 

I liked the basic cartoon simplicity and that it had some shadows. When I used this style for my animation this was the one that was most liked.

Character Drawing

WIFI - From Jamie feedback Jamie preferred the way I have drawn the character below. He also said that he didn't want eyes on this character so I have shown below with and without eyes and I have also tried to position the arms and legs in better places. 

I like the look of the one with eyes as the character links in more with the Earth character, but I feel it stills looks good without the eyes. But again it is completely up to the client Jamie, I just wanted to give him options. 

SATELLITE - For this character I chose to use inspiration from satellites. Jamie wanted a third character for the narrative he suggested and so I looked on the ETC (Emergency Telecommunication Cluster) website and saw the satellite image below. I tried different looking satellites but the ball one I feel looks the best and links in more with the other character. 

Storyboards - 
I decided to storyboard the Wifi idea with only the use of the two characters, I personally thought this idea was simple and worked best and I wanted to create the storyboard to show this idea to Jamie, so he could see where I was coming from. 

Reference - I got Matt and Bethany to act out the wifi helping up the earth to help with the poses. It is bad quality and when continuing I will re film it. 

Feedback - 

In today's lesson we presented all the work we had done for this week, which is above. Below is the feedback I received.

Character styles- 
Jamie preferred this style but to try not having the outline around the eyes and instead the shadow.
Jamie preferred this Wifi character style and to keep the ETC on it but make it slightly bigger, he liked that there were no outlines. He liked that it had no eyes and the eyes wouldn't of added anything to it.
 Jamie preferred this Satellite as the public would be able to tell what it is more easily. The other two they might not be able to tell and again it needed no eyes. BUT this character will not be used as we have decided to only have the two characters in the story.

Narrative - 

After showing my storyboard he liked the idea and the general feedback was that it was good and simple.

There were only a few things to change:

At the end he wanted the Earth to look at himself and then see hospitals pop up on him, showing how  the ETC has connected him now he can connect with other people. (This is what he can do now).

Jamie also mentioned trying to add the ETC logo in somewhere else, maybe on the router, which we came up with maybe adding it as a neon light above the router when it plugged back in. I will experiment with this idea and see if it works.

Next Week - 

For next week I need to:

  • create a revised storyboard with the added feedback
  • pick a scene and fully colour it (final render)
  • create an animatic with folio sound added as well
  • maybe - coloured storyboard

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