I feel I have done this and It keeps the audience engaged and not bored. I have only used work that I am pleased with and because I want to be a generalist animator I had more of variety of work I could put in.
Showreel 2016 demo from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
Feedback -
The feedback that I got was that the music may be too load, I din't need to add when I had worked with someone. I needed to take away the tree part as it didn't fit with the rest of it and it wasn't finished very well. After this module I should hopefully have more animation to put into the showreel.
Lesson -
In today's lesson we looked at body language and how the way your body comes across can tell people looking at you things.
We watched a Ted talk about body language, it talked about to not just fake it until you make it, but faking it until you become it. If you fake being confident eventually you will become confident and this is what we have to teach ourselves to do.
We watched a Ted talk about body language, it talked about to not just fake it until you make it, but faking it until you become it. If you fake being confident eventually you will become confident and this is what we have to teach ourselves to do.
talking about pitching: http://www.lynda.com/Business-Business-Skills-tutorials/Preparing-pitch/73563/78225-4.html
The Elevator Pitch -
A really good example of an elevator pitch is below -
A really good example of an elevator pitch is below -
The task this week was to come up with a pitch about a pink fluffy pen top and then pitch it to the class. We only had 10 minutes to come up with the idea.
My pitch-
I decided to do my pitch on people use your pens and then don't give them back to you and so you are left without a pen and so the pink fluffy pen topper was a gps tracker so you could get your pens back.
My feedback off the class -
My feedback about my pitch was that I was very clear, but I could be more confident and maybe walk/ move around a bit.
I will keep this in mind and try and work on my confidence more when we present in class.
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