Monday, 24 October 2016

Professional Project - Week 5 - Project Progress

Final Characters -

 Earth Character:
Wifi Character - 

Reference Videos -

I wanted to make sure I had reference videos for when I animate and start to key frame. I feel the one below are good and will help me to make sure the movements are right and timings are good.

Reference Videos for Professional Project from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Key framing and tests

Earth character key frame walk cycle:

earth character keyframe walk cycle from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Wifi Character key frame walk cycle:

I found it hard to animated a walk cycle without the legs crossing over because of the position they are in this is not possible and so this was slightly confusing and why the character looks like he has a slight limp. But I do like the walk and just need to fix it up. I want this scene in the whole animation to pan across at the same time to reveal the Earth character on the floor. I hope to have this test done by next week.

wifi character keyframe walk cycle1 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

End Scene test:
For the end scene because it dragged on I tried to make it so the Earth character jumps and things pop up and it tries to hide them with his hands. In the clip below I have rotoscoped over the reference video I took the other day. It is very messy and looks odd because I need to still adjust it to the Earth shape and not a human. I hope to have this end scene more fixed my next week.

rotoscoping end scene from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Starting to key frame :

Rough start to keyframing from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Feedback from Jamie and Emily :

After showing the above to Jamie and Emily they had a few suggestions.

With the ending, because it is flat and simple the step back doesn't work and so to remove that bit and have the Earth jump in some other way.

The Wifi characters walk to Emily does not work properly and she suggested attaching his legs in the same place so the legs can cross over. But Jamie said it looked okay and to just animate the front leg more. So I will do this and see if it looks better and has less of a limp.

Jamie also suggested having a camera shake when the Earth hits the floor to show more of the Earthquake.

In the next two weeks I hope to have done:

  • The ending better key framed and drawn so you can see what is happening.
  • Fix the Wifi Character walk
  • add a camera shake to the earthquake part 
  • and to carry on key framing and animating

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