Monday, 15 May 2017

Animation Production - Film Submission

This is my film submission, but I have not finished my film and so I will be continuing to work on it until the degree show which is my deadline for finishing it.

I know I could of organised my time better through this semester with the work experience but it was new to me working on a project for a client and I am happy that I was able to do. I do not mind if that has affected this project as I will finish my film no matter what before the degree show.

I have animated all of it, taking on the advice from Emily, but I was unable to animate the feet again in the memories section and the credits, but this will be done in the next week. I have also put in place holder bubbles, which will be coloured similar to my poster and place holder ink, when the tentacle appears which will also look similar to the poster. I also need to added the dates on the grave and make the grave more rounded like the others.

I am overall extremely happy with my project and feel it has really come along from the very beginning and hope it will continue to until the end.

I did not manage to add the sound effects as the ones I had recorded did not work and I didn't want to rush looking online for them. They will be added later.

'Sinking' Submission from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Evaluation -

Friday, 12 May 2017

Animation Production - Week 14 - Final Film Progress and Poster

This week we had a deadline for, which I then later found out I could still get them printed after the deadline.

It was not a waste of time though as after I created the poster I was able to use it below in the scene where she is floating up in the bubble.

Below is the link for the background paper texture I used and will be using in my final film.

Below is some links to the videos I used to create the poster and help with lighting and effects.
The first video is how to add particles as I wanted to add it as the particles you see in the ocean, but I didn't want it to be too much and so it is not as noticable in the image below.
The second link is how to add underwater lighting on photoshop, this was extrememly helpful as I wanted there to be light at the top going down to the drakness at the beottom where the tenatcale is.

Final Film Poster 'Sinking'

I also carried on with the animation changes Emily said about, this week.
I started with the tentacle at the end on top of the woman, Emily had suggested to make this more forceful and have the tentacle really push her down. Also to add more weight to it and her flopping to the floor and more power when she pushes the tentacle off.
46 - changing the woman at the end from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I also needed to add more weight when she stood up and the push someone would have when trying to stand.
48 - changing the woman at the end from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Below is the end scenes together.
Camera pan from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I needed to add a few frames from when she got up and how she would get into the bubble. I didn't feel that the audience needed to see her exactly get into the bubble so I added her looking at the bubbles before she runs away from the tentacle moving as this would suggest her running towards the bubbles and getting into them.

I also changed the way she was in the bubble in the end, making her more squished into the bubble as she goes off.

I struggled with what to do in the end and asked my mum for advice. I had thought about repeating the foot and jumping up at the beginning, but after talking with my mum she suggested not too as it would give off the wrong perspective of depressions and this is something I definitely didn't want to do.
52 - changing the woman at the end from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I next went onto the animating of the panning of her going up in the bubble, I was able to use the poster I had made and this made this easier.
55 - end scenes from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo. rough - camera pan from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Adding the camera pan

This is the animation added all together, I still have some parts of the animation left to do but should hopefully be able to finish them in the next couple of days.
59 - final film progress from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Animation Production - Week 13 - Final Film Progress

This week I finished off my evaluation so it is ready to be submitted next week.

Emily's Feedback -

Emily went through scene by scene and told me exactly everything I need to fix. One of the overall fixes was that I needed to make sure I kept to my own character design, which is something I have also ways found difficult to do and really need to work on. There was a big list of everything I need to change, some were small and some I needed to reanimated a lot, something that I didn't think I needed to do but i'm glad I am doing as I don't want a film I am not proud of.

I also took the animation advice from Emily last week and started to put in into my animation. Below I have made the pull down faster to make it more dramatic and i feel it makes it flow better, I also added a better bounce when she is smacked on the floor. I made it so her arm doesn't go through the floor and I feel It looks a lot better already from last week and they were not major changes.

34 - changing the slam from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
34 - changing the tentacle reaching from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I also went onto change the memory section again. I have had so much trouble with this section, but after an idea Emily gave me last week I feel it has finally got there. It is much better from the beginning and even though i wanted to give up on this section sometimes, I'm glad the changes each week has finally paid off and I am very happy with it.

I think the fact she is desperate comes across.

I showed it to my mum and she seemed happy with it and the feedback Sam suggested below.
34 - changing the memories from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Sam saw the new memory section and felt it looked a lot better than before, but she felt it would be more realistic if the grave of Dido (Ukrainian for grandad) had dates on it and was a similar shape to the rest of the grave stones. I think this is a good idea as it make it easier for the audience to understand and connect with that section, even if they don't know what Dido means.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Animation Production - Week 12 - Final Film Progress and Easter

Below is animating I did over Easter. I also managed to finish my work experience project for the client and they have signed it off so I am fully on my final film now. I do think I wont be able to finish it for the deadline but I am okay with this as I have had the other project and i have gained a lot of experience thanks to that project.

Over the Easter I wanted to inbetween most if not all of the film. I went scene by scene trying to make the animation as smooth as possible and fixing any of the changes that Sam and Emily had given me as feedback.

I added more frames into the foot scene to make it flow better as I thought the toes jerked slightly before.
foot scene from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

tentacle reaching and pulling down from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

The tentacle I felt before didn't move like a real tentacle, so I went back to the reference footage I had gathered from the sea life centre and watched it over and over again until I knew how I wanted to animate it. I feel it looks loads better from before and is more realistic in the way it moves.

I also thought about how snakes move, my parents own 3 snakes and so I thought about how they strike and they usually make an 's' shape and coil up and then spring forward, which is something I also tried to create below as the tentacle reaches forward to grab her.  
beginning scene from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

tentacle reaching from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I then wanted to make her being pulled down smooth, before I had drawn it, it didn't really work with the fact that she is in water and wouldn't look that jerky and flick from side to side. As her character design was that you wouldn't see all the detail of her at every moment, I played on this and morphing her slightly so shes is a curved shape times. I feel it looks a lot better than the previous one.
beginning scene animated from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I next went onto the end scenes and inbetweening it.
ending scene 2 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Final Film all together - with sound

I added the some of the sound effects from before Easter when I recorded them but some of them are very quite and so I will have to fix them for the deadline.
I have not finished all of the animating, I did not do the memory section and her floating off into the bubble in the beginning.
week 12 - final film from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.


The feedback I got this week was that I definitely was not done with the animation, which is a knock back as I really wanted to start outlining after I had animated the memories section, but I understand that I shouldn't start animating until the animation is better and I need to just push forward.

I realise that I really wont be finished for the deadline after today and that my new deadline is for the degree show and making sure I have a film I am proud of and not rushed.

Emily has said she will sit with me and go through my animation telling me everything I need to fix, which will really help me at this point.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Animation Production - Week 11 - Final Film

This week I tried to make the memory section flow better and get across a uncomfortable feeling across to the audience. I took the feedback I had been given a couple of weeks ago and thought about having a rush of bubbles coming towards he with the memories in them. The memories are personal to my mum's experience but death is something that a lot of people can relate too and although they are supposed to be army boots the fact they are being weighted down is something people with depression could feel similar about.
I also wanted to add a horror/ nightmare feel to it with the quick flashes of memories, but I don't know if this has worked or not.

I also added a lift to when she hit the floor so she bounced back up from the force of the hit and that she is in water and so be floaty.
added her lift off when she hit the floor

I am hoping to start to inbetween next week. I am off schedule but I hope to catch up a bit over the Easter period.

Week 10 final Film from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

In the next week I plan to go into the sound bootha dn record some sound affects with Bethany and Raj and hopefully have some of them in the animation for after Easter.


the walk in the memory section needs to be heavier
memory section needs to be not on time with the voice over because it looks like they are connected and not in a good way , also needs to be slowed down

the open end - may want to add the bubble and tentacle in the credits section so it doesnt end to abrupt

I will take all of this feedback o for the Easter and hope to have a lot of the animation done for when I get back.

I also got feedback from the Evaluation draft I put in, I didn't get huge changes so they will be able to be fixed easily and then it's just a case of finishing.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Animation Production - Week 10 - Final Film

This week I focused on the end of my film, I knew I wanted it to end with a cliff hanger of whether or not the depression was going to get her again. So I tried to create that but also adding another scene with the tentacle in it (pushing her down). I also added her sticking to the floor when she runs away, because throughout the film I want to add it so the depression is something that sticks to things and consumes them and inky so gets everywhere and once i add it to the rest of the animation too the sudden sticking to the floor would make sense.

I feel my animation is coming along but a lot slower than i expected as I am struggling to get the details into my animation and the right flow.

Week 9 - Final Film from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.


This week the feedback was to look at the film 'Get out' specially the hypnosis film as it might help with the feel I want to get across in my animation.

I also handed in my evaluation draft, I didn't finish it all but handed what I had in to see if I was going in the right direction.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Animation Production - Week 9 - Final Film

This week I continued to work on the final, but it was a slow week as I concentrated more time on my project for a client and so I could not get as much as I wanted done for this week.

5-week 8 Final Film from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Feedback -

To keep going and making the changes from the feedback of previous weeks.

I also continued to work on my evaluation ready for the draft next week.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Animation Production - Week 8 - Final Film Progress

This week I have been focusing on the memories section, taking on the feedback from last week, I also added the title sequence.

Below is the what I have so far for the blocking of the animation. I added a title sequence with the title of the film. Finally deciding on a title is great I can see the film coming more and more together each week, even if I am still making a lot of changes and struggling on certain sections.

I also changed the memory section from the feedback from last week, but I still have a lot more to go with making that scene better.

4 - week 7 final film from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.


Make better transitions between the memories, maybe adding in bubbles, going around her.

Tentacle - make it into a motif so add another scene to make it look more obvious to the audience that the tentacle is the bad guy and the depression that is trying to take her. This is something I have wanted from the beginning and I think it's a good idea to add another scene of it.

I need to look at Ryan Woodward again as inspiration and his work is really flowly and smooth and is what I want my animation to be like.

I feel I am struggling quite a bit on the memory section, but I hope working at it each week with the rest of the animation, it will hopefully click and look right.

Class - Press Kits and Evaluation. 

This week we looked at press kits and having all the different parts of the kit together to make sending out to festivals easier. I found this extremely useful, although I don't think I will be looking into it until after the deadline, when I have more time and everything is finished.

We also discussed the evaluation we have to write and to be careful not to describe what we did throughout the project but to actually say: how we felt, what we have learnt and what we would do differently.
The deadline for first draft is in the next couple of weeks so I will be starting to work on this.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Animation Production - Week 7 - Final Film Progress


From the feedback last time they wanted me to push my style and make it more like the inspiration pictures I had.

I wanted to mess around with different ways of doing it and below is what I cam up with, I don't like the more blocky coloured ones as I feel they make her too solid and I want her to be portrayed as someone who is translucent and sketchy almost not there because of her depression and I feel the last one that is more sketchy is what I am more going for.

Taking the last style I like I went on to play around with the colour and lines. When I am animating I want the lines to be constantly moving.

Style with the black more dominant -

Style with the white more dominant -

Final Style

Below is the a combination of the the white and black and I have asked a few people they also prefer this one. I like that she has an outline but is sketchy and transparent and so doesn't have a full form. Which is because of her depression.

Blinking/ Memories section

This week I have been trying to keyframe the rest of the film and so looked at videos of how the film industry did blinks and the different ways to do it.

The first video is an okay way to do it but i feel the eye doesn't open enough and the last video is better as it has the haziness of opening your eyes and not really being able to see in detail what is there. Which is more to what I want in my film. Ignoring what the last video is about.

I have been struggling with this section a lot as I have had different feedback on it and I don't feel it flows as well as the beginning of the film.

After speaking with Emily she suggested just getting on and starting to animate. I have been having troubles with the ending of my film and not liking it and feel if I can get the beginning sorted, the ending will come and I will be able to change it.

Feet Section -

I started with the feet section as I knew I could get this done this week and I could go from there. I have outlined it black as it was quite messy with the sketchy version and was hard to see. I really like the feet tilts that were suggestion from last times feedback and think they make her more human.

Emily suggested adding a shadow to the feet as the angle is slightly awkward at times. I haven't managed to do this, this week but I will for next week.

scene 1 - 5 - black outline from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Title - 

I have also started to think about the title of my film and have a few suggestions which I will bring to the class on Monday and see what people think about them as well as talking to my mum about it.

The Suggestions are:

  • Woman
  • Water
  • Creature
  • Falling
  • Floating
  • Memories
  • Bubbles
  • Drowning
  • Submerged
  • Engulfed
  • Immersed
  • Descent 
  • Fading
  • Isolated 
  • Sinking 

At the moment my favourite is 'Sinking'  but I will get opinions first and definitely speak to my mum about it.

After talking with my mum we have both decided on the title 'Sinking'. My mum felt that it best summed up how she feels and it stood out for me from the very beginning. I am happy I finally have a name.

Swapping Films - 

By the end of the week both Bethany and I were getting stuck with our films and were struggling to see past what we had already done. So we decided to swap films.

I helped time and fix up drawing of her film and she helped with an ending and different shots on my film. This really helped to see our films differently as we needed fresh eyes and it really worked to re-motivate ourselves.

optional ending from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Above is an ending that Bethany thought of and fits with some of the ideas I was having about the ending during the week. It feels better than the volcano scene I had originally done for this section and I feel happier already that it flows better.

Film So Far - 

After Bethany's help I started to put it all together to see how it looked and added the music and voice over.

It is a bit longer than the original animatic but because I have silent parts in the voice over it is okay as I can still adjust them and have the speaking in the right places.

I am a lot happier with the dirstion it is going in now as a felt the volcano scene in the animatic seemed random, out of place and some what childish, which is not how I wanted my film to look like.

Although Emily says about animating parts and then fitting them together and not to worry about the structure of it too much, I realise I personally don't really work like that. In some cases it is okay but I felt more panicked by not knowing what I wanted as the ending and I'm glad I have one now.
Key framing - all - with music from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I still have a lot more to do, but I hope to just keep carrying on and next week I hope to have quite a bit of animating done.

Feedback - 

'Sinking' as the title is liked by class and Emily and Sam.

Sam suggested watching a Sarah Cox '3 ways to go' to look at how she does a person in water as I need to look at gravity underwater and how weight and being floaty is underwater.

Maybe instead of her hitting the floor to have her be in a state in between floating. Or when she hits the floor to have sand and dust come up and that will help with the transition to the next shot. I was going to add the sand and dust effects closer to the end so I will keep this in mind.

With the memories section I have still to work on that and make it how I want it to be. I want it more a s tripy state of confusion and some what horror as she is reliving her past trauma. With the army boots Emily suggested putting blocks on the feet with laces to look like it is waying her down and maybe have her dragging her feet.

I am a lot happier as to how the film is progressing and can see it coming along now. I will continue to work on the memories section and then hopefully have more animated for next week.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Animation Production - Week 4, 5 and 6 - Final Film

For week 4 and 5 I put my final film to the side and concentrated on getting the work placement animation out of the way and try and get as much as I can done for that.

I managed to get most of the key framing done for and I am happy to have taken the time to get it done as I feel if I hadn't I would not of got as much done.

For week 6 a few of us went to Ireland to visit different animation studios. It was my first time flying and so i was a bit nervous at first, but it was only a short journey and was super cool and the views were amazing. It was an awesome few days and I learnt a lot from the different studios and how they worked. It has really helped me to see what I would like to do when I finish University and what kind of studio I would like to go into.

We visited Cartoon Saloon - The studio was really friendly and family orientated. There was a lot of opportunities for internships and to produce your own work and progress. They mainly use TVPaint and Moho. I could see myself working here.

We then visited Boulder Media - The studio was the most energetic out of the three and was a really friendly environment. They mainly use ToonBoom and After Effects. We got to speak to at least one person from each department, which was great to see the steps they take and what they do. I really liked the background department and concept department.

Lastly we visited Brown Bag - The studio focused more on 3D animations which is something I don't really see myself doing as I don't have the confidence for it but I was really interested in the Storyboard department and could see myself working there.

I am really glad and thankful for going on the trip, it has really helped to inspire me and make me less nervous for when I leave University.

I hope to have a lot done for next week in regards to my final film as I have put the work placement to the side now. I really hope I can catch up and have a lot of my keyframming done so I can start to inbetween.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Animation Production - Week 3 - Final Film Progress

Style/ tests

For the past couple of weeks I have been looking at style and what my final film will look like. I know I have previously done this in the pre production but after feedback from Sam and Ross about having the black and white less defined and making it flow between the two colours I have decided to do some other style concepts.

Images off Pinterest:

I really like the use of the sketchy styles and the use of both the colours and feel I can just changed the dominant colour. I hope to be able to make the colours flow between the two and so will be testing this out next.

New Character Concepts:

From the above, I started to look at my own character and how it would look.

I liked the test above that I did and so I decided to go back to the original Character turn around and change them. I still liked the proportion of her and so was just changing the style. 

I have also decided that she will no longer have eyes as she doesn't need them and they don't add anything to her. She can get across all of the emotion just through her body language. 

I prefer he without the thick line as she is kind of faded out. I think the colour of the black and the white looks good and is better having both.

I next went on to test how the colours would move from one to the other, it is not fully animated but it gives a good idea. I really like the flow between the colours and feel it will work well in the animation.
turn around style test from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Below is some more Research I collected from the sea life center but was at my parents and I have only recently been able to get it off them. I think this will really help with the bubble and the water and how the tentacle will move. Next I want to start testing the tentacle movement.

sea life centre 2 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Key Framing - 

Scene 1 - feet 

scene 1 - 1 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

For scene one i wanted to have the toes move and show she is a real person. For my reference footage I didn't ask Bethany to move her toes but as she stood she did it naturally to balance herself and this is what I want to recreate in this scene.

Scene 2 - Title 

I have missed out scene 2 as it is the title sequence and I haven't figured out the title to my animation yet and how it will come onto the screen.

Scene 3 - Going into bubble - 

In scene 3 it is the female figure jumping into the bubble and falling over. This reminded me of the human hamster balls and how people fall over in them.

These have helped to understand the balance or non balance that people have and will help me with the scene, although the fall in my scene wont be as bad as this.

I then went on to look at people jumping into water. Here are some of the links to videos I have found that were usefull for the jumping into the bubble scene:

As I am going scene by scene I changing parts and changing shots to make them more interesting and dynamic and found it very useful to do it this way.

scene 3 - 1 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I wanted to make this scene more interesting and flow from the other scene of her stepping off the edge. So I decided to have it close up with lots of bubbles. It then cuts to her being in the bubble and stumbling.

Scene 4 - going to light in the bubble -

scene 4 - 1 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

For this scene i wanted to mach sure that it looked like she was floating to the top of the body of water and you could see the light coming through the top.

Scene 5 - Tentacle reach -

scene 5 - 1 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Scene five is where the tentacle is reaching out, I think it flows well but I still to look at my research I took from the sea life center to make sure it looks like a real tentacle and acts in a similar way.

Scene 6 - Being pulled down - 

scene 6 - 1 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Combined key framing so far - 

key frame test - half - 1 from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

I am currently slightly behind the schedule that I made as when I made it I wasn't on the Sumo project and now that I am on it I am going to adjust some of the schedule. I hope that the other project wont affect this and hope to be caught up by next week.

Life Drawing - 

At life drawing this week I was trying to draw the model from different angels and positions, I feel these lessons are really helping me to work on my proportions and I see myself progressing each time I go.
I used pencil, pen and colour pencils on the above drawings.

 I changed my wall by my computer 

Aldo this week I updated my wall space adding my character turn around, concept art and life drawing. I think updating it was a good idea as it made me feel happy about the way the project is going and how the film is coming along. 

Feedback - 

The feedback I got was to push the style of the character more like the reference images I had gathered. I also needed to add more of a toe wiggle or foot movement to the beginning of the film to make her more human like and relatable to the audience. 

I really need to decide on a Title for my final as well. 

Class - Foley Sound

In class this week we discussed Foley sound. Throughout my years at university I have learnt a lot about foley sound and so this was more of a catch up on the knowledge I already knew.
I was really good to have a quick run through of using the sound booth again as I had forgotten from last semester.
I have thought a lot about the sound that I want in my film, I want to make sure I don't add too much as I don't want to take away from the voice over but I think the feel will definitely come across to the audience with certain sound effects. Like in the beginning the feet tapping on the floor walking up to the edge.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Animation Production - Week 2 - Final Film Progress

This week I was not in the lesson as I had been to a meeting for the Other project I am on.

I have been key framing and will continue to until next week, which is when I hope to have all or most of it done by. I will not post any progress for this until I have key framed all or most of it together.

I have been doing the key frame scene by scene and so far it has helped a lot to have it all laid out and organised.

So far I feel confident that the Schedule I have made will be kept and I will be able to finish my project.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Animation Production - Week 1 - Introduction

This module is a carry on from last semester as we will be carrying on developing our own work.

As I am making a final film I know will start the process of creating the film and expanding from the animatic. I hope in the next couple of weeks to have a better understanding of what the animation will look like and will have started to key frame. 

This module is split 85 % for the production work and 15% for a evaluative report.

I am pretty happy with where I got to last semester and now it is just for me to get on with finishing the film. 

Over the two weeks (marking period)

For the first week I started to make a production schedule to help organise myself and see how to split everything up.

I split up the animatic into scenes and smaller chunks, as I find it easier to deal with smaller parts. I then colour coded the different things I would need to do. 
green: key framing
orange: in-betweening
purple: clean up
blue: colouring

I then had a couple of weeks for finishing touches and making sure everything is finished.

It looks pretty scary with everything I need to do, but I have tried to make everything manageable as possible.

I was then called onto another project and so had to catch up and did not manage to get as much done as I would of liked. Now that I am caught up though I will be key framing for the first two weeks. 

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Animation Research and Practice - Final Submission

SLIDE 1 - 


A short documentary animation, which uses abstract ideas to show the audience the perspective of how a woman (my mum), describes her feelings and experiences with having depression. The animation will be a visual response to the audio track of my mum. It starts off with a woman walking towards the edge and jumping off into the water. As she floats towards the surface she is pulled down by a tentacle, which shows her, her bad memories. She tries to escape and the audience is left wondering whether she has.


A 90 second documentary animation which looks at one woman's experience of having depression. Using narration the audience will understand how my mum's depression feels to her.

A short documentary animation, which uses abstract ideas to show the audience the perspective of how a woman (my mum), describes her feelings and experiences with having depression. The animation will be a visual response to the audio track of my mum. It starts off with a woman walking towards the edge and jumping off into the water. As she floats towards the surface she is pulled down by a tentacle, which shows her, her bad memories. She tries to escape and the audience is left wondering whether she has.

The story will be told through 2D animation, using abstract ideas to convey how she feels. It will have a dark feel to it and be a sketchy style on top of brown paper. Not every detail will be seen, only what is necessary.

The animation will be created using TVpaint, After Effects may be be used for any effects and Audition will be used for the sound. It will be primarily directed toward adults and older teenagers as it is quiet a hard theme and will be quite dark.

SLIDE 2 -  Initial Idea

A person (male or female) is going through the same routine everyday. They a starting to become very sad and withdrawing from the world around them, including their family, which is shown through the cracks that appear on their body.
Their loved ones begin to notice but at this point it is too late and the person shatters. Their loved ones are their to help pick them up along with professional help and although it cannot be fixed straight away, they are beginning to cope.

Depression storyboard Idea from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

Over the Summer we had a brief to come up with two or three different ideas and an animation based on depression was one that I had originally thought about doing and was inspired by my parents. After we pitched the ideas, Sam suggested just getting my parents in to record and making a film about them and their experience. So I tried it.

SLIDE 3 -  Recording the Sound Over 

The first time I recorded the sound it did not go too well as it there was noise in the back and a static sound, but I had got a lot of good clips.

So I had to rerecord the sound -
first voice over recorded from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
second voice over recorded from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

From the two above I edited them together.
The clip of voice over I am using from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

After getting feedback I then edited it further and below is the final voice over. I has pauses in between certain clips, so the what is being said can sink in.
Edited final sound from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

SLIDE 4 - Initial Sketches and Storyboard

After getting the sound I started creating a storyboard.

SLIDE 5 - Colour Script and Initial Concepts

For one of the lesson we were asked to create colour scripts using different media. At the time I wanted the background to a be of an ocean and be blue green colour with the animation on top.


I also created some initial concepts using different mediums

SLIDE 6 - New storyboard

moving storyboard with edited sound from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

SLIDE 7 - Life Drawing

I decided to sit in on the first year life drawing lesson when they had the model so I could work on my drawing

24th October - I am not very confident when it come to drawing and I think it shows in the first couple of drawing but my the end of the lesson I was a lot happier and could see a little progression

7th November -  For this lesson I again just worked on trying to get the proportions correct and I feel I am improving slowly

As well as going to Ross's life drawing classes I went to a few that the fine art had open to everyone. There was three different sessions with 3 different models. Although the models were sat for longer periods of time, it was still really useful to go and I learnt a lot and feel I have improved a lot since going.

First session - 

Session 2 -

Session 3 -

I still have way more to improve on and will continue to draw to improve.

SLIDE 8 - Changing Style

On one of the weeks I was drawing on some brown paper, some concepts and found that I liked the way it looked and the style I accidentally came across.

I liked the simple design and that I wouldn't have to show all the detail of everything, it would be what the audience needed to see, nothing extra.

SLIDE 9 - Animatic After Style Change

Animatic with just storyboard frames from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

SLIDE 10 - Initial Character Design

In the beginning the character had long hair to float in the water but as I went forward with my project I realised I wanted my character to be plain and to not have any features apart from her eyes. I wanted the audience to be able to connect with the character and believe she could be anybody.

I liked the look of the one with no hair and just round eyes, no detail. 

SLIDE 11 - Final Character Design

I like the fact that she is just an outline.
 I wanted the black and the white to show the light and the dark and the 'normal' and when the depression really takes over.

 I thought a lot about the eyes and not wanting her to look like Spiderman. I think the eyes need the pupils, but I think I need to play around with them more.

SLIDE 12 - Research

I researched a lot about style as I have discussed in other blog posts.

I wanted to create something that was sketchy and could be dark at times, but not too smudgy.

SLIDE 13 - More Research

I also researched a lot about water and what people looked like in water and the splashed and bubbles there are.
I also looked at art and how they drew water.

SLIDE 14 - Reference Footage

reference videos from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.
reference videos for private from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

SLIDE 15 - Sea Life Centre

I went to the sea like centre and took pictures and videos to help me with the water and the tentacle I have in the animation. I found it very helpful and will go through and start to draw and find key ones for my animation.

There are more videos and pictures to come but my parents have the rest of them at the moment.

compilation of sea life centre - what i took from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

SLIDE 16 - Talking with my Mum

Throughout this semester I have spoken to my mum about the animation, making sure she liked it, the character was okay, that she felt that the visual went with what she is saying and how she feels.

It has been extremely helpful to have her helping me and since she is a very visual person it has been easy to bounce ideas to each other.

SLIDE 17 - Sound 

I found the sound on I had couple I liked but when they were added to the animatic they didn't fit. I had narrowed it down to two that I really liked and when I showed them in class we decided on the first one because the other one was too uplifting. I completely agree with what was said and feel the one that is on the animatic now is better suited for my animation.

SLIDE 20 - Final Animatic

I am very pleased with the animatic so far and I know it will continue to change as the year goes one.

30 - Animatic so far from Summer Davies-Newton on Vimeo.

SLIDE 21 - What I Still Need to Continue to do

There is a lot more I can do to the animatic and now that I have been to the sea life centre there are animation tests that I want to try out. 

I really need to draw some concept art, Although I know what I want it to look like, I don't know if it comes across really well and I feel that if I have a few pieces then I will be more happy with how it is going and what I am doing as I can see it. 

I still need to continue to research as much as possible so that I am completely happy I know how I want the water to be and the tentacle. Also with the blinking and I need to research and test what they will look like. Which I will be doing in the next couple of weeks.

There is more detailed information about all of my process on the previous blog posts.

Overall I am very happy with how the project is going, I feel I have developed it a lot all the way through and now I can see it slowly starting to come together. I hope it will be a great film.